Hospital-acquired infections – better diagnostics for rapid treatment
At the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, scientists investigate the mechanisms of infectious diseases and their defences. We systematically develop the results of basic research towards medical applications. The scientific questions we work on include
- What turns bacteria or viruses into pathogens?
- Why are some people particularly susceptible and others resistant to infections?
- How can we intervene in infection processes?
- How do we transfer our findings to application in humans?
To clarify such questions, we are investigating pathogens that are medically relevant or that can be used as models for research into infections. Understanding these mechanisms will contribute to combating infectious diseases with new drugs and vaccines.
The Centre's mission is to contribute to overcoming the challenges that infectious diseases pose to medicine and society in the 21st century. The HZI has defined its research priorities in the Infection Research Programme. The programme places particular emphasis on the transfer of research results into application, on individualised infection medicine and the application of information and data technologies for infection research.
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00:00:00: A hospital. A place where you generally don't like to go but are glad that it's there when
00:00:07: you need it. A place that smells of disinfectant. It's called clinically clean. And then, multi-resistant
00:00:17: bacteria. Hospital germ. A place where you are supposed to get well becomes a threat
00:00:21: to your health from pathogens that are often so persistent that there are hardly any effective
00:00:27: drugs against them. How can that be? And above all, how can we deal with it? Professor Susanna
00:00:39: Heusler and her molecular bacteriology research group at the HZI and the Twincore in Hanover
00:00:46: are investigating this. In this episode, we talk about the clever strategies bacteria use to
00:00:52: become multi-resistant hospital germs, how ways of dealing with them are being researched and what
00:00:58: we can all do to protect ourselves and vulnerable patients from them. Hi Susanna. How does the life
00:01:05: of a hospital-acquired multi-drug resistant bacterium look like? Maybe it's a good idea to
00:01:11: start to think about not so much the bacterium and whether it's a hospital bacterium but about
00:01:19: hospital-acquired infections. Because the hospital-acquired infections can occur or can be acquired
00:01:27: in different ways. So you can acquire an infection due to a pathogen that has been surviving in the
00:01:38: hospital as an example in the sink, in the drains. And then the bacterium is really a
00:01:46: bacterium that has been living in the hospital and has been also exposed to many antibiotics. But
00:01:52: you can also acquire a hospital-acquired infection by having contact with a patient either directly
00:02:01: or indirectly that is infected. So you acquire a pathogen from another patient. But you can also
00:02:09: get infected with your own bacteria that you might bring into the hospital. And the thing here
00:02:16: is that once you're in a hospital and a classical example would be a surgical procedure and you
00:02:24: have a wound and this wound gets infected after the procedure. And this infection might occur
00:02:30: with your own skin flora. This is also a hospital-acquired infection we have to deal with.
00:02:36: How do you know that a patient is infected with such a resistant hospital pathogen?
00:02:41: When we stick with the example of a wound infection, this is normally you see the clinical
00:02:49: signs very typical. So redness, swelling and pain. And it might even get a poor, you can get a
00:03:00: poor lens secretion, which is a sign of a bacterial infection and the wound will not heal. So the
00:03:07: physician might then take a swab, a sample and send it to the microbiological diagnostics lab,
00:03:15: where they then will do a culture from the patient's specimen. And they will isolate the
00:03:22: infecting agent. And then they will also do antimicrobial resistance profiling on this
00:03:26: pathogen. And then they will tell you, tell the physician whether the physician can give the
00:03:36: patient, if necessary, a certain antibiotic on what drug is still susceptible and what antibiotic
00:03:42: is resistant. And how is the situation in Germany and maybe compared to other countries?
00:03:52: The situation in the clinic when you deal with hospital-acquired infection is very much dependent
00:03:59: on what are the hygiene control measurements and the preventive activities that are implemented
00:04:08: in the hospital? What is the standard? And the standards vary a lot between different hospitals
00:04:13: and different regions and different countries. So in general, you can say that in the north,
00:04:19: you have lower hospital-acquired infection or the rate of hospital-acquired infection is much
00:04:25: lower, whereas in the south, they are higher. So in Germany, roughly, we have 500,000 nosocomial
00:04:33: infections that are reported each year. Okay. And you're specialized on the bacterium Pseudomonas
00:04:39: alginosa. Why this particular pathogen? For us Pseudomonas alginosa is a perfect model
00:04:46: organism. And we are interested in a model organism that causes problematic infections.
00:04:53: Pseudomonas is problematic because it's naturally resistant against a lot of different antimicrobial
00:05:00: reactions. And it also has a large variety of different violence factors and they help
00:05:08: in causing disease. So Pseudomonas can cause very severe acute infections. Pseudomonas is
00:05:15: also a pathogen that can cause chronic infections. They are very different. The problem is not
00:05:23: so much acute and severe, but a problem with therapy. They are very, very difficult to
00:05:31: treat. Where does it occur? And which conditions does it become dangerous for us? Pseudomonas
00:05:39: is a pathogen that can be found ubiquitous across the world, everywhere in the environment.
00:05:48: It needs a little bit of water, but then you can find it almost everywhere. But you can
00:05:52: also find it in the hospital. And in the hospital it's mainly in the drain, so it needs a little
00:05:57: bit of water. You find it in the bathrooms in the drains. Pseudomonas alginosa is not
00:06:02: really a dangerous pathogen. It's a very typical opportunistic pathogen. This means that it's
00:06:11: not dangerous for healthy individuals, but it can cause very severe infections in compromised
00:06:19: patients. Compromised patients for Pseudomonas infection are mainly patients where you have
00:06:27: broken the first physical barrier. Pseudomonas has problems in overcoming the first physical
00:06:33: barrier. If you help them, for example, in intubated patients, then Pseudomonas can cause
00:06:39: a lung infection. Or patients that have a catheter in their urinary tract, they can then
00:06:47: suffer from urinary tract infections. And the same also in wounds. The skin is a very
00:06:53: good physical barrier. It helps to protect against Pseudomonas infections. When you have
00:06:59: a wound, this physical barrier is broken. Pseudomonas can cause very severe wound infections that
00:07:08: often become chronic. And this is mainly associated with the bacteria forming biofilms in these
00:07:13: wounds. I think biofilms primarily, we know it as a layer of slime, for example, on boats
00:07:22: that lie in the water. But what makes the biofilms of hospital pathogens so dangerous?
00:07:31: The bacteria produce the slime themselves. It's a polysaharide, and it's a physical barrier
00:07:38: that protects them very well from the immune system. But also from very different environmental
00:07:42: insults. And that's also when you see biofilms in nature. This is mainly physical inside.
00:07:50: so heat and sun and so this is a very good protection.
00:07:55: It also helps to protect against the immune cells.
00:07:58: But it's also important,
00:07:59: the slime is sticking the bacteria one to the other
00:08:02: and then usually also the whole bacteria population
00:08:05: onto a surface and that is localizing them
00:08:09: in a certain place in the body,
00:08:12: mainly on abiotic surfaces.
00:08:16: And at the same time, this shielding leads to
00:08:21: a difference in the growth behavior of the bacteria.
00:08:27: So they grow much, much slower
00:08:30: in these shielded exopole,
00:08:32: zaharite and cased biofilm communities.
00:08:35: And that's very important
00:08:36: because they change their metabolism.
00:08:38: The metabolism becomes slower.
00:08:41: And then the antibiotics that usually need
00:08:44: a fast growing bacteria to act perfectly,
00:08:47: they are less efficient.
00:08:48: And that's our problem, biofilm bacteria.
00:08:51: Once biofilms are formed, it's really difficult to treat.
00:08:54: - Okay, I think that is the biggest challenge,
00:08:57: also in the clinic, when fighting bacterial infections.
00:09:02: - Yeah, that's a very big challenge.
00:09:03: So they're not really very good solutions in the clinic.
00:09:08: So we currently and others research to think about
00:09:13: whether there's a way of somehow awakening the bacteria
00:09:17: so that they grow faster again.
00:09:19: And then you can target them again
00:09:21: with our classical antibiotics
00:09:22: because our antibiotics in fact are very, very good.
00:09:25: But in certain situations, either you are too late,
00:09:29: you treat too late is a big challenge,
00:09:31: or the bacteria are in these biofilms,
00:09:34: they are not really exposing themselves
00:09:36: to the antibiotic and that's a problem.
00:09:39: - Okay, you also lead a research group at Twin Core,
00:09:42: the Center for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research.
00:09:46: This is the site of the HZi,
00:09:48: where we're set up together with Hanover Medical School.
00:09:52: What are the benefits of that cooperation
00:09:55: with the medical school here in Hanover?
00:09:58: - Yeah, we are very happy to have also a part
00:10:01: of the research group at the medical school,
00:10:03: not only at the HZi,
00:10:04: where we have access to really good infrastructure
00:10:07: and we do a lot of sequencing of bacterial genomes.
00:10:10: And that's really something that we do at the HZi.
00:10:13: But the group at the MRH has a closer contact,
00:10:17: especially to the medical microbiologist
00:10:19: at the medical school.
00:10:21: And that's important.
00:10:22: We also get a lot of clinical samples
00:10:24: and so bacteria strains from the medical microbiologist.
00:10:28: And this is very important for our research.
00:10:31: And we also talk to clinicians at the site.
00:10:35: - Yeah, okay.
00:10:37: How can you better diagnose bacterial infections
00:10:40: and these bacterial infections?
00:10:42: What do you need for this?
00:10:44: And maybe what's missing yet?
00:10:47: - At the moment,
00:10:48: the classical medical microbiological diagnostics
00:10:51: really relies on having a sample
00:10:54: and culturing the bacteria from the sample.
00:10:56: This takes a lot of time
00:10:58: and it's also very labor intensive.
00:11:00: So we think the future will be really going
00:11:03: into molecular diagnostics.
00:11:05: We will probably read out bacterial genomes.
00:11:11: And by doing that,
00:11:12: we will be able to predict whether they are antibiotic resistance
00:11:15: or whether we can treat them
00:11:17: still with certain classes of antibiotics.
00:11:19: So this will probably be the future
00:11:21: and we are really working on making this happen.
00:11:24: - You also set up a laboratory in Copenhagen.
00:11:30: What exactly do you examine there
00:11:32: and how often are you there?
00:11:34: - Yeah, we have a lab in Copenhagen since 2019.
00:11:38: And in the first three years,
00:11:40: I really have been there at the Riesh Hospital,
00:11:44: that's the university clinic in Copenhagen.
00:11:48: And the main aim here is to establish a pipeline
00:11:52: so that we get the clinic isolates
00:11:54: from the hospitalized patients.
00:11:56: And we get a lot,
00:11:57: we get probably 80% of these clinic isolates.
00:12:01: We get them into our lab
00:12:02: and we do whole genome sequencing
00:12:04: also in an automated process.
00:12:07: We do whole genome sequencing on them.
00:12:10: And we roughly sequence 1,000 isolates per month.
00:12:13: - Crazy.
00:12:14: And this is the researcher side,
00:12:16: but what can physicians and nurses do to prevent resistances?
00:12:21: - Yeah, the main thing in the hospital
00:12:24: or also outside the hospital is to be aware
00:12:27: that once you give an antibiotic,
00:12:29: you give the bacteria the chance
00:12:32: or when they are exposed to the antibiotic,
00:12:34: they need to develop strategies in order to still survive.
00:12:39: So the major thing is to really reduce antibiotic use.
00:12:45: That's the main thing.
00:12:48: But when you give an antibiotic,
00:12:50: when you decided this is an important treatment
00:12:54: for the patient,
00:12:55: then you really have to stick to the dosage
00:12:58: and also to the correct time interval
00:13:02: that you give the antibody.
00:13:03: That's really important.
00:13:05: And the other important thing is, of course,
00:13:06: we have in the hospitals,
00:13:08: we have to care and do a lot about stopping transmission.
00:13:13: And this is, of course, hygiene.
00:13:17: So hygiene is a very, very important thing.
00:13:20: And hygiene in the hospital means mainly hand death infection.
00:13:26: This is the thing.
00:13:29: - Has your work changed your own hygiene standards
00:13:34: in everyday life?
00:13:37: - Actually, not so much because I know
00:13:39: we are not exposed to very dangerous bacteria.
00:13:43: So most of what we have been talking about,
00:13:46: these are oponynistic infections,
00:13:50: meaning that you have to have a certain predisposition.
00:13:53: But of course, it also happens in daily life
00:13:55: that you cut yourself and you have a wound.
00:13:59: And then you have to care for that this wound
00:14:05: is properly dealt with and is not exposed to an infection.
00:14:10: Maybe I will, I know a little bit better
00:14:15: about how important this is,
00:14:17: but actually, I think people know.
00:14:21: So no, not really that we do something different
00:14:24: because we are not very much exposed
00:14:27: as healthy individuals to infections.
00:14:29: - You're researching very, very, or you, yeah.
00:14:34: You spend very much time for your research,
00:14:39: but I think you also need some kind of work-life balance.
00:14:43: What is important for you in your free time?
00:14:46: How can you relax?
00:14:47: - I love to stay with my family.
00:14:50: I really love to be around my husband and my two daughters.
00:14:54: And I have a large garden.
00:14:56: I love gardening and being in nature.
00:14:59: - Nice.
00:15:00: Thank you for your time.
00:15:01: - Thank you.
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